Choose the level of protection that fits your needs/budget
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Compare estimates and book your service
Enjoy your savings
Who is the provider?
Who in my family is eligible for this program?
How much does this coverage cost?
You have a choice of 3 plans based on what you want to cover – and all include at no extra cost a per-repair reimbursement for towing and car rental.
What if my employment status changes?
When would my coverage start?
How does the comparison-estimate part work?
Are there any discounts on routine maintenance items like oil changes, tires, etc.?
Are the prices for the services offered competitive?
What are some of the “brand names” that are part of this program?
There are scores of them, so we’ll share a few to give you an idea:
If my car is in for service, will this program pay for me to use a service like Uber or Lyft instead of renting a car?