Someone enrolls in Cancer Insurance
After it’s in effect, they receive a diagnosis
They receive a benefit payment
They use the money however they choose
Who is the provider?
Allstate Benefits
Allstate Benefits is a leading provider of supplemental insurance coverage to over 50,000 groups and insures more than four million people nationwide. For more than six decades, Allstate Benefits has delivered superior products and services with cutting-edge technology, exceptional customer service and compassionate claims administration.
When is a benefit paid under the policy?
Who in my family is eligible for this insurance?
Members of your family who are considered eligible to enroll in this insurance include:
You must be enrolled in coverage for eligible members of your family to also enroll.
How much does this insurance cost?
Do I have to answer health questions or take a medical exam?
What if my employment status changes?
When does coverage start?
Am I really free to use the payment any way I choose?
Legal Disclaimers
Mercer's Role & Compensation