You enroll in Critical Illness Insurance
After it’s in effect, you receive a diagnosis of a covered critical illness
Submit a claim form
Once approved, you will get paid and you can use your money however you want
What is Critical Illness Insurance?
Critical Illness coverage provides you with a lump-sum payment if you or your covered dependent are diagnosed with a major illness such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer, major organ transplant or end-stage renal (kidney) disease. You have the option to choose a $20,000 or $10,000 benefit. If you elect coverage for yourself, you can also choose to cover your spouse and children at 50% of your benefit amount.
Payments are made directly to you to use as you see fit. They can be used to help pay for major medical costs, such as deductibles or coinsurance, or other expenses such as house payments, utility bills, or transportation costs.
When is a benefit paid under the plan?
Who in my family is eligible for this plan?
Members of your family who are considered eligible to enroll for this insurance include:
You must be enrolled in coverage for members of your family to also enroll.
I have a good medical plan through work. Why do I need Critical Illness Insurance?
Do I have to answer health questions or take a medical exam?
Am I eligible for coverage if I have an existing medical condition?
What if my employment status changes?
Is the claims process simple?
Are benefits paid directly to me or to my health care provider?
Am I really free to use the payment any way I choose?
Legal Disclaimers
1Actively at Work means that you are performing services for Nationwide Insurance, or its affiliate, for any portion of the scheduled work day or using Your Time. Actively at Work does not include periods when you are on emergency leave, Leave of Absence, military leave (unless otherwise required by USERRA), unpaid leave, or other similar absence, whether paid or unpaid. In addition, Actively at Work does not include any period of time when you are on “unassigned” status, as defined by Nationwide’s formal policy, unless the individual is scheduled to work at least 19.375 hours per week during the duration of the unassigned status period. Further, if you are participating in a partial return-to-work program, you will not be considered Actively at Work, even if you perform services for Nationwide for a portion of the day.
This is an outline of benefits. Limitations and exclusions apply. Please refer to the Certificate of Coverage for more details.
The product is underwritten by Nationwide Life Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio. Critical Illness coverage is applicable to policy form GCI AO L20 000 1119.
Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle and Nationwide is on your side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. © 2024 Nationwide NSM-0355AO.2 (09/24)
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