Group Universal Life Insurance | 4 Ever Life

Group Universal Life Insurance | 4 Ever Life

Group Universal Life Insurance

Helps provide a financially secure future for your loved ones along with a cash fund you can access during your lifetime.1
family illustration

Here's what you need to know

Group Universal Life (GUL) Insurance delivers valuable financial security for your family with an additional cash fund feature for you.


Loved ones may rely on you for living expenses like a mortgage or rent, car loan, credit cards, groceries, and more. Your income is also essential for financing savings for future goals such as college for children and retirement. What happens if your “safety net” isn’t large enough?


GUL will provide a benefit check to your family in the event you and your income are no longer there to support them. And unlike some other types of life insurance policies, this plan also has a cash fund feature that you can use during your lifetime. Once you’re enrolled, features of GUL include:


  • Tax-deferred savings. A cash fund option that offers tax-deferred savings and a guaranteed minimum interest rate. With this option, you reduce your risk of becoming underinsured.
  • Low-interest loans: You can call on your plan for low-interest loans if you build up enough cash value. You also have the ability to make withdrawals without incurring any penalties or fees.
  • Easy enrollment. Apply within 31 days of your eligibility date and you will not have to answer medical questions or provide evidence of insurability.
  • Generous coverage amounts available. You can enroll in coverage amount equal to between 1 to 6 times your eligible earnings, subject to a minimum amount of $10,000 and a maximum of $1,500,000. If you enroll, you can enroll your spouse/domestic partner in any amount between $10,000 and $100,000 in increments of $1,000 and your children in the following benefit amount: $10,000. Evidence of insurability may be required.
  • Accelerated Benefit: Pays up to 50% of your benefit amount early if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 12 months life expectancy.

As you plan for your future, one of the best ways to protect your family is to have robust life insurance in place. And because you have the advantage of the cash fund feature, this plan delivers even more value for you and your family.


This coverage is a wise way to plan for life’s “what if” situations. What if you leave your job and need to keep your life insurance? What if you get a diagnosis in the future and can’t qualify for more coverage? What if you need a source of cash for something unexpected or something important you want to have?


There are 2 ways to use GUL coverage to your advantage:


  • Use it to create/strengthen the financial game plan you have in place for your family in the event you (and your income) aren’t there to support their current and future plans.
  • Use the cash fund to grow savings that you can use during your lifetime, with an interest rate guaranteed to never go below 3% (your actual rate may be even higher). This can be an easy way to save for retirement, a down payment on a house, or even your next vacation getaway. You can save extra money automatically at the same time your premiums are paid. Or just send in deposits as you have extra money in your budget. You can borrow against it or withdraw it at any time.3,4


The bottom line: having this coverage is a safety net to help your family survive and thrive while they adjust to life without you and your income—while also being a way to grow your savings during your lifetime.

You can enroll anytime!

At certain times you may be allowed to enroll in the Group Universal Life plan by not completing as many questions. These times include:


  • Within 31 days of your initial eligibility date.
  • During special enrollment periods as offered by your employer and the insurance provider.
  • Within 31 days of marriage.
  • Within 45 days of the birth or adoption of your first child. Coverage for a newborn will begin when the child is 14 days old, however the application for coverage could be received immediately following the birth.

These form(s) are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format and are available for downloading and printing.


Enrollment Form


How It Works

Number one Enroll now icon

You enroll in coverage

Number two Right hand holding coins icon

Start saving money in your cash fund 

Number three Giving money icon

Death benefit is paid upon your passing 

Number four moneybag icon

Family uses money to help pay bills and adjust 

You’re making a plan to ensure your family has solid financial footing.

You purchase Group Universal Life Insurance and start saving.

Your coverage works doubly in your favor: it has a life insurance death benefit and a cash fund benefit that’s tax-deferred and grows at a guaranteed 3% minimum rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Handshake Icon
  • Who is the provider?

    4 Ever Life Insurance Company, an independent licensee of the BlueCross and BlueShield Association and a wholly owned subsidiary of the BCS Financial Corporation. This program is offered exclusively to the employees of the BlueCross and BlueShield companies and their affiliates.
  • Contact Icon
  • Who needs life insurance?

    Everyone needs life insurance.

    Contrary to popular belief, life insurance isn't just for parents. You need life insurance if anyone is financially dependent on you.


    You've recently graduated from college.

    You may have significant student loan obligations. If something were to happen to you, your loved ones would most likely be forced to shoulder that debt.


    You're the parent of young children.

    You want to make sure they'll be able to keep the same lifestyle and attend college—even if you're not there to see it happen.


    Your grown children are on their own.

    Your adult children may rely on you for support and help around the house. If you weren't there for them, your children would need extra money to pay someone to take care of things you've been managing for them.


    Your spouse may be depending on your income for retirement.

    But you're not sure your retirement savings is enough to keep up with a rising cost of living if your paycheck stopped. Life insurance can be a smart way to fill the gap.


    Like many families, you rely on two incomes to make ends meet.

    You'll need life insurance on both you and your spouse. Even if your spouse stays at home, you should consider life insurance on your spouse to cover the cost of hiring someone to take care of the things your spouse generally handles.


    You want to be sure your children can protect their futures, too.

    Most children's life insurance coverage contains an innovative feature that allows them to convert their term life protection to a permanent life insurance plan at a higher premium when they become adults. This ensures that your children can protect their own families—no matter what health problems they may develop.

  • People Icon
  • Who is eligible?

    You can enroll if you:

    • Are a regular full-time or a regular part-time employee working at least 20 hours per week.
    • Are actively at work on both the date the enrollment form is signed and the effective date of coverage.
    • Meet the eligibility requirements on the enrollment form.
    • Are a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident.

    Note: You can enroll in coverage amounts equal to between 1 to 6 times your eligible earnings, subject to a minimum amount of $10,000 and a maximum of $1,500,000.

    If you enroll, you can also enroll these family members:

    • Your legal spouse/domestic partner
    • Your dependent children or those of your spouse/domestic partner

    You can enroll your spouse/domestic partner in any amount between $10,000 and $100,000 in increments of $1,000.

    You can enroll your children in the following benefit amount: $10,000 for a monthly cost of just $1.00 that covers all children.


    Important Definitions
    Domestic Partner: A person of the same or opposite sex who:

    • Shares the employee's permanent residence
    • Has resided with the employee continuously for at least one year
    • Is financially interdependent with the employee
    • Has signed a domestic partner declaration with the employee
    • Has not signed a domestic partner declaration with any other person in the last 12 months
    • Is not less than 18 years old
    • Is not currently legally married to any other person
    • Is not a blood relative any closer than would prohibit legal marriage


    Child: The child of an employee who is:

    • at least 14 days of age but under 26 years of age; and
    • your own child; your adopted child, or a child for whom adoption papers have been filed; a child for whom you are legal guardian or managing conservator; or a stepchild, if living in your home.
  • Hand coin icon
  • How much does this coverage cost?

    Your cost is based on several factors including your age, any special features you select, and the amount of coverage you want. Also, you may be eligible for a premium discount if you do not use tobacco. Click on the link below for rate information/See the rate chart below for rate information.




    *Please note: A $1.50 administration fee will be charged for each employee and spouse policy on a monthly basis. Use age as of the prior January 1. Rates for age 65 and older are available upon request to Mercer Voluntary Benefits. If the Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) is chosen, you must add $0.04 to each rate per $1,000 of coverage purchased. ADB is discontinued at age 65.

  • Medical clipboard icon
  • Do I have to answer health questions or take a medical exam?

    If you do not apply for yourself and your eligible family members during your initial eligibility date or during a special enrollment period, you will be required to answer a more comprehensive health questionnaire and be approved by the insurance company before coverage can begin.

    If you apply when first eligible:

    • For a full-time employee, you can enroll in coverage up to $500,000, not to exceed 3 times your eligible earnings by successfully answering a few eligibility questions.
    • You can apply for up to $50,000 for your spouse/domestic partner by successfully answering a few health questions.
    • You can apply for $10,000 for your children with no health questions.
    Transition circle icon
  • What if my employment status changes?

    Good news! If you leave or retire from your current employer, you can continue your coverage without interruption (subject to applicable law and the plan’s terms and conditions). Although payroll deduction will no longer be available, you can opt for other payment methods such as direct bank account deduction, credit card billing or home billing. Higher rates may apply. 
  • Circle Add Icon
  • Are there other benefits included with this plan?

    In addition to the advantages of this plan over other life insurance options, this plan offers even more special benefits:

    • Nonsmoker rates: Reduced rates are available if the insured has not smoked or used any form of tobacco for 12 consecutive months prior to the date you complete the enrollment form. (If the insured qualifies at a later date, you may change your rate to nonsmoker by completing a smoker change form.)
    • Automatic Coverage Increase: Your employee coverage will automatically increase annually by January 1 based on your salary as of October 1. If you would like to opt out of this feature you must contact Mercer Voluntary Benefits.
    • Accelerated Benefit Rider: 
      • An advance payment of your life insurance benefits is available if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of 12 months or less. 
      • You can request payment up to 50 percent of your coverage amount. However, it is not available for coverage amounts less than $20,000.00.
      • Advance payment permanently reduces the death benefit.
      • Premiums must continue to be paid on the remaining coverage amount after an advanced payment.
      • This benefit is available to you and your covered spouse/domestic partner.
    • Children's Portability Privilege: When your child is no longer an eligible dependent, he or she can apply for an increase in coverage up to 5 times the amount of the children's rider not to exceed $50,000, as long as the group policy is still in effect. The child will be issued a Group Universal Life certificate and will be eligible to contribute to a cash fund. The request for coverage must be made by writing to Mercer Voluntary Benefits within 90 days of the date the child is no longer an eligible dependent.
      • A Children’s Portability Privilege is not available for a disabled child. Children's coverage may be continued for a disabled child as a rider to the existing adult Group Universal Life certificate. The dependent rider may remain in effect as long as the employee or spouse maintains coverage. Please contact Mercer Voluntary Benefits to request continued coverage for a disabled child.
  • File money icon
  • Are there other tax advantages to this plan?

    Yes. The money that grows in your plan’s cash fund is “tax-deferred,” which means it’s not subject to tax while it’s growing, only at the time you take any money out.3 Additionally, your family doesn’t pay federal income tax on any life insurance benefit check they receive.


    Always check with your financial advisor about anything related to tax status.

  • File new icon
  • Can I get this life insurance in addition to other policies I have? Will it pay in addition to those?

    Yes. The benefit your beneficiary receives is paid in addition to any other coverage you may have.
  • Calendar icon
  • When would my coverage start?

    If you are applying during one of the qualifying enrollment periods and Evidence of Insurability is not required:

    • Coverage is effective the 1st of the month in which your first payroll deduction begins.


    If you are applying outside of the qualifying enrollment periods and Evidence of Insurability is required:

    • Coverage is effective on the 1st of the month after coverage is approved by 4 Ever Life Insurance Company.

Are you ready to enroll?

Act now so Group Universal Life Insurance is in place no matter what unfolds in the future.

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  • Legal Disclaimers

    Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield Association.


    Blue Shield and the Shield symbol are registered marks of the BlueCross BlueShield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.


    Mercer makes no recommendation regarding your decision whether to purchase this insurance, and we are not acting as a fiduciary investment adviser to you. Mercer may provide information that is developed by Mercer, an insurance carrier or other party to educate you regarding the insurance. You should not construe Mercer’s sharing of this information as a recommendation by, or advice from, Mercer regarding your decision. You may wish to seek the advice of your own financial or investment adviser when deciding whether to purchase this insurance and with respect to any investment component in the insurance.

  • Mercer's Role & Compensation