Whole Life Insurance | Voya

Whole Life Insurance | Voya

Whole Life Insurance

Helps provide a financially secure future for your loved ones.

Here's what you need to know

Most likely you have some life insurance. But is it enough to replace your income and all you mean to your family? Of the people who already have a life insurance policy, 1 in 5 admit they don’t carry quite enough.1


With Whole Life Insurance, you can give your family the added financial protection they may need in the event that something unexpected happens, while also saving a little extra for retirement if you don’t use it.


  • Coverage amounts for you, your spouse, and your children:
    • For you—If you are under age 50, you may elect up to $125,000; age 51 through age 65 you may elect up to $50,000; age 66 through age 70 you may elect up to $25,000, no health questions required.
    • For your spouse—Eligible for $5,000, no health questions required.
    • For your child(ren) and/or grandchild(ren)—Eligible for $12,500; $15,000; $20,000; or $25,000 in coverage, no health questions required.
  • Early payment of up to 50% of benefits if you're diagnosed as terminally ill.
  • The policy builds cash value which you can borrow against.
  • Tax-free death benefits.
Whole Life Insurance helps to protect the financial futures of you and your loved ones while allowing you to build tax-deferred money within the policy, called cash value, to stay on track. Borrow against your policy to pay for unexpected expenses or supplement your retirement income.
You can only enroll in this benefit during open enrollment.
These form(s) are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format and are available for downloading and printing.

How It Works

Number one Enroll now icon

Enroll in coverage

Number two Right hand holding coins icon

Start saving money in your cash fund 

Number three Giving money icon

Death benefit is paid upon your passing 

Number four moneybag icon

Family uses money to help pay bills and adjust 

You’re making a plan to ensure your family has solid financial footing.

You purchase Whole Life Insurance and start saving.

You have an unexpected death and Voya’s Whole Life Insurance gives your family the financial protection they need.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Handshake Icon
  • Who is the provider?

    Whole Life Insurance is underwritten by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (Minneapolis, MN), a member of the Voya® family of companies. Voya Employee Benefits is a division of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company.
  • Contact Icon
  • Who is eligible for this program?

    All employees who work at least 16 hours/wk.
  • Hand coin icon
  • How much does this coverage cost?

    Your cost is based on several factors including your age, tobacco usage, any special features you select, and the benefit amount you want. To get a free, no-obligation online quote, click "Enroll Now".
  • transition circle icon
  • What if my employment status changes?

    Good news! If you leave or retire from your current employer, you can continue your coverage without interruption (subject to applicable law and the plan’s terms and conditions). Although payroll deduction will no longer be available, you can opt for other payment methods such as direct bank account deduction, credit card billing or home billing. Higher rates may apply. 
  • Calendar icon
  • When would my coverage start?

    The effective date of coverage is the date you are eligible to begin filing claims.

    • Your coverage becomes effective on January 1, following the election of coverage. Coverage for your spouse and/or children becomes effective on the same date as your coverage.
    cancel icon
  • When/how can I cancel my coverage and when would it take effect?

    You can cancel your coverage at any time by contacting Voya at 1-800-537-5024. The cancellation would become effective as of the date of the request and you would not be able to enroll until a subsequent annual enrollment. Your first or second paycheck after the cancellation is processed will reflect the change and a refund should be issued by Voya within 30 days of the date the cancellation is processed, if applicable.
  • medical clipboard icon
  • Do I need to answer any health questions?

    No, all available benefit levels are guaranteed issue so no health questions are required.
  • medicine icon
  • Can I use my benefits if I’m terminally ill?

    None of us likes to think about these things, but it’s important that you can also tap into your life insurance death benefit early if you’re ever diagnosed with a terminal illness. That benefit could really help you and your family during a difficult time. An advance payment of your life insurance benefits is available if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of 12 months or less.


    You can request payment up to 50% percent of your benefit amount, up to a maximum of $150,000. Advance payment permanently reduces the death benefit. Premiums must continue to be paid on the remaining benefit amount after an advanced payment.

  • chart growth icon
  • Does this type of life insurance end when I reach a certain age?

    No, you can keep this policy for your lifetime as long as you continue to pay the premiums. All coverage under this policy will terminate when any of the following occurs:

    • The insured requests to terminate the policy
    • The insured dies
    • The policy matures
    • The loan value exceeds the guaranteed cash value of the policy
  • document icon
  • How do I access a claim form and how do I file a claim for benefits?

    1. Visit the Voya.com/claims and click on "Get Started".
    2. Complete the questionnaire.
      This generates a custom claim form package for you.
    3. Download your claim form package.
    4. Complete the form package.
      Have each form completed by the appropriate party, as outlined in the claim form package.
    5. Gather additional documents.
      Collect any additional supporting documents, as instructed on the claim form "for you".
    6. Submit.
      Using your preferred submission method, submit your completed and signed forms, as well as any supporting documents.
      • To submit online via a secure upload, visit Voya.com/claims and click on "Upload Documents".
      • To mail or fax your submission, see the top of your custom claims form package.

Are you ready to enroll?

Get a quote online now for free.

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  • Legal Disclaimers

    1 Fisher, Jason. “2018 Life Insurance Statistics and Facts.” BestLifeRatesorg, 18 Feb. 2019, www.bestliferates.org/blog/2018-life-insurance-statistics-and-facts/.


    This is a summary of benefits only. Please review your enrollment materials and any other applicable brochures prior to enrolling in coverage. A complete description of benefits, limitations, exclusions and termination of coverage will be provided in the certificate of insurance and riders. All coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the group policy. If there is any discrepancy between this document and the group policy documents, the policy documents will govern. To keep coverage in force, premiums are payable up to the date of coverage termination. Accident Insurance is underwritten by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, a member of the Voya® family of companies. Policy Form #RL-ACC2-POL-12 or #RL-ACC3-POL-16. Form numbers, provisions and availability may vary by state.

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